1) What is the distance across the Kaiwi Channel?
The shortest distance is 27 miles. From where most swims start to where we try to finish is 28.5 statute miles. When starting this adventure have a conversation with crew and boat pilot about how you want distances measured - nautical mph, kph or statute mph.
2) Where do we stay?
In Waikiki or near there. Lots of options depending on your budget but the cheapest prices are about $200 per night. Check travel websites. A few recently have used Air B&B. One night max on Molokai (Most just fly over and start swim) and this can wait till you get here. Options for the swim are to either spend one day/night on Molokai or fly over and go right to swim start. That can be decided in advance or when you get here.
3) Is it possible to travel to Molokai by boat instead of flying?
While it is technically possible, it is not advisable. The boat ride can be quite challenging, and many swimmers who have attempted it regretted the experience. It is an exhausting journey, and if you are prone to seasickness, it can significantly impact your well-being. However, under calm conditions, it is feasible.
4) Do we need Kayakers?
Yes, they are mandatory. The Ka'iwi channel is usually so rough that the boat isn't really that close. And even when it is, it isn't going in a straight line. Here you steer off the kayak. The kayakers can steer straight and get feedback from the boat when a course correction is necessary. For both safety and steering we use two so someone on a kayak is always at your side. With three kayakers we take 1.5 hour shifts. Kayakers experienced guides with lots of kayaking experience in that channel. Mandatory!
5) What are the estimated costs for the swim?
$1,000 for Ka'iwi Channel Association Consulting Services (this includes KCA Membership).
$100 Ka'iwi Channel Association Membership Only (required for swim ratification).
$5,000+ for boat (this may vary depending on boat and duration of swim)
$1,200 approximately for three kayakers
$90 each crew member for flight to Molokai.
$50 cab ride from Molokai Airport to swim start
$250 to $500 Accommodations on Molokai
Accommodations in Waikiki and getting here - varies
6) How do I find a boat pilot?
We have a short list of the best pilots available. All meet out high standards and have lots of experience. Once you pay the $1,000 fee to reserve your week we'll help you find boat pilots and kayakers. If you book more than a year in advance - which you should do if possible - we'll assist you up in January of the year of your swim.
7) What's the next step?
We work in one week windows. You can go any day the conditions are good but boat captain has final say. When you know when you want to do the swim check with us on availability. Busiest months are July, August and September. Conditions are awful during the months of November -February, No swims during those months. We'll need a $1,000 deposit to reserve your week. We will be there every step of the way to guide you through this crazy swim. We'll send you an email invoice you can pay by credit card or PayPal. After that we'll find the best pilots available during your week window and we'll walk you through an agreement with them.